Monday, May 24, 2010
"My Final Thoughts"
This is the last post you will write for this class. What are your final thoughts about the class, the school year or whatever. You can continue writing anytime you like. You can come back and read your old posts and you can even use this to keep up with your classmates as you all go your separate ways. This is your blog. Your blog will stay online until you decide whether or not to keep it.
These are my final thoughts about pretty much everything. I've have enjoyed my senior year. It has been really crazy and wild. Some many new friends. I would like to say I love my new found.... or should I say learned confidence with girls. They still have the ability to boost you up and destroy everything in one sentence. I wish good luck to all my friends and hope that they have a good future and continue to learn, to me you can never stop learning, so they can teach me new things and help me along the way just like how I've helped them or at least tried to.
I'm mostly certainly with out a doubt going to miss them, and I hope that I stay in touch with as many as them as I can. School was interesting and a trip I would have to say. I have had my share of good times and bad, the same goes with my share of pain and pleasure. I don't think I would have it any other way, although I would want to change the bad parts. I am so glad I had some of the teachers I did, I mean it because with out them and their wisdom and guidance I would have not made it.... sincerely thank you all the art teachers and that includes you Mrs. Ladd. I just wish I could of been in more of your classes. I know I have not been the most easiest student to have in class... or not in class.
Commencement speech....
With graduation just around the corner and the pressure of all your final projects, today's post is an easy one: Copy your commencement speech. If you don't have it, write some parting words to the upcoming seniors.
To all you up coming and frightened wearing teens, welcome to heart break, drama, pain, struggle, senioritis, test of all sorts both mental and physical and let's not forget emotional..... that one is the worst. But among all the bs, there's a silver lining you just have to find that balance somewhere. You won't survive unless you do a couple of things... take the advice if you want or not I really couldn't care less because this is your year weather you want to do good or become a lazy bum. But I'm getting off topic so just do your work or at least try and put some effort in to it.
Try not to skip but skipping really doesn't start until you become a senior, but if you do only skip if you need to and make sure all your grades are good enough to skip, the worst thing you can do is skip when your failing classes. You MUST handle your business before you have to much fun. Don't let your friends take away your time when you should be studying when some thing important is coming up such as a test. Mostly just try and have fun during your school year and make some friends along the way, friends are good to help you with things and help you have fun, but don't let it turn bad where you constantly hanging out with them.
You should become friends or at least be acknowledged by some of your teachers because believe it or not they can help and have a big impact on your senior year, but that goes with out saying really. Make sure to check at least once in a while during your year as, "The Seniors", your class grades so you stay on top of your time instead of some sneak up bad grade that will cost you in the end. I hope you heed my warning and advice. Just chill and manage your time wisely for real. enjoy your year and good luck to all.........
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Did you take the texting pledge?
The lives that would be saved would be an immense number. The families would not have this tragic death on their souls and their conscious. All the families would not have too grieve over the dead loved ones that are now gone to a heavenly grave. It would be too sad, if people didn't really part take in this acknowledgeable movement. That's why I am taking the pledge even though I'm not going to lie, I have texted while driving before.
Friday, April 30, 2010
well despite being drug tested today I'm going to grad night.
I am probably most likely going to be switching up and hooking up with different groups. I am going to so tired on the bus ride back. I was on bus one but I heard that they moved bus one to bus two. I don't think it matters because I'm going to know people one either or bus. I'm also pretty sure that I'm going to catch some Z's on the bus ride.
I'm going to dress decently because I want to look good for them ladies. Hopefully I get to chill with everyone I can but chances are that it's not going to happen because there's to many people.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Emerson quote means to me.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
This great quote means to me that you put in your days work as best as you can. So once the days over, it's really over so don't worry about if you did some bad stuff or didn't do the things you wanted. There is always tomorrow to do even better than yesterday. This is the message that I am getting from this magnificent Emerson quote.
You should not keep continuously worry and contemplating about the day when it is over with. You may mess up during the day or though out the day but don't let it get you down.
Ralph Waldo Emerson has made some great works and quotes through out his life time. He is highly educated in more ways than one but seems to excel at life and understandings.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Creative license?...
So today's question is the following: "Do you think you should have a creative commons license for your blog? Why or why not? Is your audience mainly students in your class and/or the blogging challenge or have you had readers that are teachers and/or visitors you don’t know?" Since this is my blog, I'm going to address this one step at a time.
Well to be completely honest I don't believe I should have a creative license for my blog because I really don't care. I mean it's not like I'm making or doing any special type of blogging. I don't take blogger serious or should I say that I don't particularly have a burning firess passion for blogging.
I don't think anyone would want to steal my words for blogging, I may have a creative mind, but I don't put it into writing unless I'm rapping.
Mainly the people that look in to my blog would have to be students in my class, but that's only because they have to.
Maybe if I some how become famous then yea I would probably need one of those creative license. But until then I'm not needing one. Words should be free. I like the feedom of speech thing. Wouldn't it be the same for blogging??
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Beauty
Nature's at work, grass growing on the ground's what I see,
In a good mood, can't be bad,
Person walking by, distraction her name is Mrs. Ladd,
I can hear the planes going over, and the birds that are chirping,
Contemplating, writing down the thoughts and feelings,
Out of nowhere, I hear sirens,
Snaps in to my mind, I fear someone's dying,
Even though I can't see him, hey mister lawn mower man,
How are you doing, take your time cut the grass as best as you can,
Crow to my left, birds to my right,
Planes over head, the eyes of mother nature,
I think I like this sight,
I can feel the coolness, of the wind,
The gentle pushing, on my skin,
Loud bell, almost like an alarm,
It does nothing, but to my ears it brings harm,
I stretch and it makes me so tired, maybe not enough sleep,
I'm too wired,
Wisdom comes with age, It's what makes you legal,
So how old is he, the person yelling out over and over, bald eagle,
Starring at my shoe, all I see is black,
A lonely ant crawls on it, maybe a solo plan of an attack,
Surrounded by walls and gates,
My good feeling is leaving, new feeling little bit of hate,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"I am" Poem
I wonder how some people can be a bigot
I hear the universe being intellectual
I see my future with different paths
I want to become a Harvard man
I am smart and deadly calm
I pretend to not like Melinda
I feel upset when there's an injustice
I touch my report card
I worry about my future
I cry when people try to silence my words
I am smart and deadly calm
I understand how the world works
I say everyone had their own opinions
I dream of becoming a quantum physics genius
I try to study and be a behaved student
I hope to also be in law someday
I am smart and deadly calm
The environment
Today we have to talk about our new challenge # 4 and we can come up with any topic about the environment we want. So I am going to start a conversation about how we can do our part to clean up the world a little bit.
There's so much that we all can do to prevent the environment from turning horribly worse. Everyone who's recycling is already on the right track. Sure it's a good start but that's nothing to the world wide scale, it may work for saving a culdesac but not the a planet.
You can keep up the recycling though but it would help if people kept the pollution out of the air, water, land and to go even further in our selfs. A healthy and clean mind will lead the future to a healthy and clean planet earth and for its' environment.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Feed back blog friday!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Where I live.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Photo's on Blogs.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"Art Rap"
Monday, March 1, 2010
Why you should visit my blog.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Comparing videos
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
5 things teachers should do.
Friday, February 12, 2010
my flows so sick,
myhearts like a clock just tick,
pounding away saying my name,
she perfers the pleasure but not new to pain,
i guess i’m a lollipop she likes to lick,
day to day
on my bed she does lay
im not very religous but she calls me god,
feeling on me guess i have a good bod,
she’s kneeling but not to pray,
valintines day is hella lame,
it’s funny how they think my heart can be tame,
love do not exist for me no more desire,
i did like a girl she set me on fire,
now there’s no more flame, =(
love is for losers,
nothing but fakes and abusers,
you think you have something but you don’t,
thinking she’ll be with you but she won’t,
she used up my love when i could of used hers,
hearts and flowers,
throwing candy showers,
the thought of love is lovely,
she’s sweeter than that honey,
her love fills me with such powers,
why do i feel this way something so new,
this magical bond just between me and you,
my heart races cause it’s a winner,
your such a goddess and i’m a sinner,
your love is haunting cause your my baby boo,
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Texting while driving!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
My Strengths
What are you good at? What are your major strengths? What do people depend on you to do? What skills do you have?
Give examples and brag about yourself.
Well ha ya know I can do it all and I don't mind bragging about it, nah I'm just kidding but I can do some stuff and people seem to like. I can draw pretty good first of all, I sure wish I could draw in art class but that seems to not be happening. Drawing seems to always get peoples attention and I guess I do a good job at it because everyone always comments when they see what new creation I seem to be drawing. I used to draw cartoon stuff like dbz, but then a certain teacher said I should stop doing that an do some more real things like plants or people...... okay.
Then I started doing real things then she never was pleased with any of my works and always had some thing bad to say, how about a little inspiration a bit? So now I'm like forget what She wants, i'm now drawing what I want. So now all I usually really draw is graffiti things.
Another good strength that I have would be how loyal I am to my close friends. I would do pretty much any thing they would ask of me. Then know me so well, and that can be a good or bad thing depending on what is being done. I would fight for my close friends to the death. I love helping my friends and it's such a good feeling to help someone too. What can I say get at that karma son. I also love and sometimes have the ability to make goofy dumb jokes that always makes people laugh.
I'm a handsome kid and a pretty good kisser too =)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Prepositional Phrase
Through the darkness, In between and beyond the rocky crevices, with in my state of mind, contemplation starts to set in, under the rocky spikes dripping with water droplets free falling on top of a slick and ocean like surface of memories and thoughts, as soon as a new thought appears and forms, off a tall rigid cliff it falls in to the oceans' surface and then, slowly sinks beneath to add to all the other floating ghostly constant thoughts and raises the water, with each new thought that continues to fill the inner solitudes of my mind, until my head explodes with insanity.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My Name is Mitch-EZ