Wednesday, November 18, 2009



Who is your hero or who has had the most influence on your life? Give actual examples and don't forget to use paragraphs.

Well technically I don't really have any strong influences in my life because everyone is kind of a douche no offense. But to be honest There's actually been people that had influences on my life, such as my guardian which he really isn't my real guardian but it's a long story so I'm not explaining that but yea he has been really good to me an helped me with a lot. He was pretty much there when I needed him the most especially when I got arrested an put into juvy. My friends would also have to be a part of my influence with out them I really don't know what I would do. I'd probably go back to being a loner. They help me out when I need it an they help me make decisions that usually are for the better good. Another small influence would have to be Bruce Lee because I mean come on he's so legendary so there's no need to explain. I wouldn't mind incorporating some of his likeness into me. I don't feel like typing anymore because I'm really tired and I have to start another project. So I'm out for now peace out.


BECK said...

I'm tired of typing, too... Bye.

Swanson said...

You need to remember to start a new paragraph every time you change the subject.